Chris Jericho Responds To Billy Graham Over CM Punk Rant, Mick Foley On WWE HOF Induction

- As noted earlier, WWE Hall of Famer "Superstar" Billy Graham lashed out on Facebook at WWE Champion CM Punk for his promo on RAW this past Monday night. Graham wrote, "CM Punk, I have lost all respect for you for nor saying no to the writers of the WWE for saying Bruno Sammartino only wrestled once a month in Madison Square Garden. You talk about one of the greatest icons ever in pro wrestling like he was a JOBBER??? You should be ashamed of yourself for not having the self-dignity to say NO to the writers on that line. That line you delivered indicates that I am a big loser like Bruno as well and insults me as I wrestled in the same era as Bruno. This only confirms more that I want my name out of the WWE Hall of Fame."


Chris Jericho responded to Graham's rant, writing on his Twitter, "Dear Superstar Billy Graham, Shut the hell up and stop being such a mark. Your Pal, Chris Jericho"

- The Pitch has an interview with WWE hardcore legend Mick Foley, who was promoting his weekend comedy shows in Kansas. During the interview, Foley was asked about possibly being inducted in the 2013 WWE Hall of Fame.

"It would mean that the rumors that I started spreading about it were effective," Foley quipped. "It would be a huge honor, especially in Madison Square Garden. WWE does a great job of trying to induct people in geographic areas that mean something to them. For me, being inducted in an arena that I specifically used to hitchhike to and take trains alone to would be a great honor."


Foley also discussed his comedy act, if he enjoys comedy as much as wrestling and more. You can check out the full interview at this link.

Pasty T. and Ken Park contributed to this article.

