Wrestlers Tease Signing With TNA, Video From Hulk Hogan's Restaurant Grand Opening

- Independent wrestler Brian Cage teased signing with TNA on his Twitter. He wrote on his Twitter this past Monday that he received great news. When he was asked if it had something to do with TNA Gutcheck, he replied, "you might be onto something there." He also later wrote that he was "partial" to Spike TV programming.

- Independent wrestler Jay Bradley also teased being a part of TNA Gutcheck, writing on his Twitter (via TNA Insider), "Received a phone call and turned out to be a great way to start 2013. Perhaps I'll only be the #bestunsignedtalent for another week or two?

"Thank you everyone for the well wishes! GUess I'll have To keep you posted so you can CHECK out the developments. #bestunsignedtalent?"

FYI, the capitalization in the last sentence of the second Tweet spells out "GUTCHECK."

- WTSP from Tampa, Florida posted this story on this past Monday's grand opening of Hulk Hogan's new restaurant, Hogan's Beach:

Robert Tilton contributed to this article.

