Lance Storm Talks Problems With Hart Legacy Wrestling Event And Outstanding Payment Issues

Lance Storm was a guest on The LAW Sunday night discussing his issues with the Hart Legacy Wrestling event back in January and his outstanding payment issues.

"I was contacted by Spencer Tapley, who organized all the press conferences here in town promoting the show," Storm explained (props to Chris Maffei for the transcription). "He asked me if I wanted to work Teddy's show, saying that he and Teddy were organizing the show. The other two people (John Oniston and Stacey Angel) were never mentioned to me until the show was over and people were to get paid. They dragged out other people going, 'It's all their fault, it's their money.'

"I was contacted by Spencer alone, booked by him, and I was originally supposed to be paid when I got to the building. He pulled me aside when I got there and said that he didn't have it currently, but he would really like it if I'd still work the show. He shook my hand and gave me his personal word that he would get me my money this evening, and turned out to not be a man of his word at all, lying to me then and continually lying to me for the last couple of weeks. Going as far as to say that he and Teddy were strictly employees. That they didn't own the company and they weren't running the shows, this other guy was, which I think is comical considering that's not the way it was presented in any of the media.

"I find it all so silly that John Oniston would start up a company named Hart Legacy Wrestling and just employ other people to run it for him. It is absurd. They're claiming that this new show is just a brand new company and is not liable for past debts, which again is ridiculous considering it's the same people running the show. It's the same venue, the same date and card that they promoted at the last show, using the same rings and product that they had obviously gotten this other guy who was no doubt an investor to foot the bill for in the beginning. The fact that they're just running a new show under a new name and don't seem to think that they're obligated to pay past debts I think is pretty much a joke."

The full interview with Storm is up at this link and on iTunes. You can catch The LAW every Sunday night at 11pm EST on TSN 1050 Toronto, TEAM 1410 in Vancouver and online at

Source: The LAW

