Former WWE Employee On Paul Bearer's Death Being Exploited, AJ, Foley's Craziest Moments

- WWE posted the video above, looking at the 10 craziest moments in Mick Foley's career.

- WWE Diva AJ Lee is featured in the "Superstar Spotlight" on the homepage of You can check out her bio, photos and videos by clicking here.

- Former wrestler and WWE head trainer Tom Prichard posted his latest blog looking at this year's WrestleMania. In his entry, Prichard discussed WWE using the recent passing of William "Paul Bearer" Moody as a storyline. He wrote:

"Many of us were saddened by the death of Paul Bearer. When CM Punk interrupted The Undertaker during RAW and stole the urn at the end of the show, people were outraged at the disrespect and lack of class by WWE. Now the urn and Paul Bearer's memory will be used to help the build up for Taker VS. Punk at Mania. How could they!

"They could because all involved from WWE to Taker and Punk understand how much Paul Bearer meant to the business and his passion will never die. What a fitting tribute to a man loved and respected by all to play a role in one of the most important Wrestlemanias ever. I realize saying 'this is the greatest, most important, super special show of ALL time' is equivalent to 'this is the oldest I've ever been.'"

You can read the full blog by clicking here.

