Title Change At Last Night's Impact, Hulk Hogan Q&A Tickets On Sale, Jeff Hardy Profile (Video)

- Tickets for Hulk Hogan's Q&A in New York during WrestleMania weekend, titled Hulk Hogan Uncensored, go on sale today. As noted earlier, Hogan will be joined by Eric Bischoff and former WCW ring announcer David Penzer. Hogan will begin the show telling stories from his life and career, and Penzer will follow up by moderating the Q&A. The event will take place at the Beacon Theatre in New York City at 10pm, you can purchase tickets at this link.

- Kenny King defeated Rob Van Dam on last night's episode of Impact Wrestling to win the TNA X Division Title.

- TNA posted this Superstar Profile for Jeff Hardy:

Joe Raider Fan contributed to this article.

