TNA Impact Results: Hogan & Sting Face-Off, Hardy Vs. Anderson, Open Fight Night & More

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- Impact begins with a video package of recent events. It's Open Fight Night and Jeff Hardy is the #1 contender. How will Bully Ray react?

- We go to the arena in Jonesboro, AK as Jeff Hardy makes his entrance. Hardy pauses for cheers in the ring and says that although he is not 100% he is the #1 contender. He is about to call someone out and is interrupted by Bully Ray and Aces & 8's with "Blah, blah, blah..." as the brotherhood makes their way through the crowd. Bully gets on the apron as he runs-downs Hardy and the fans. Mr. Anderson gets on the apron and says Hardy gets chance after chance but they don't need free passes. Anderson continues to tell Bully that Hardy is a disappointment and that he lost fair and square.

Hardy knocks Anderson off the apron and is swarmed by Aces & 8's with Bully directing traffic. Bully starts to swing his chain as they hold Hardy but Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, Eric Young, and Magnus come to the rescue. Hardy challenges Mr. Anderson to a match for later.

- In the back, Chavo & Hernandez discuss their loss last week to Aries & Roode due to interference from Daniels & Kazarian, and decide the same thing won't happen tonight. They make their way out to make a challenge as we go to break.

- Chavo grabs a mic in the ring and says it's Open Fight Night and all about payback. He says they talked to Hulk Hogan and the winner of this match will become the #1 contenders for the tag titles. He calls out Daniels & Kazarian.

Open Fight Night – #1 Contenders Match: Chavo & Hernandez vs. Daniels & Kazarian

Both teams go back and forth and Chavo launches Daniels to the floor. Kaz pulls the rope down and Chavo falls to the floor. Daniels & Kazarian double team Chavo. Chavo tags Hernandez from the ramp and they both fly in tandem back in the ring, over the top, onto Kaz & Daniels as we go to commercial.

Kaz is in control of Chavo in the ring as we return to action. Chavo hits a head scissors and hits a flurry to tag Hernandez who takes care of both men and slams them with each on a shoulder. Kazarian trips Hernandez from the floor and almost helps Daniels steal the win. Daniels tries to use the ropes to win but the ref sees it. Hernandez hits a sit-down powerbomb and tags Chavo but Kazarian pushes Chavo off the top and gives Daniels a near-fall. Hernandez takes care of Kaz on the ramp and hits Air Mexico to Daniels in the ring. Chavo comes off the top with a splash for the win.

Winners by pin and #1 Contenders for the Tag Titles: Chavo & Hernandez

- Taryn Terrell is half-dressed in the locker room as she peeks around the door and tells the interviewer it's her first night as a Knockout and she knows who she is calling out...and what she is going to wear.

- Back from a break to a clip of Brooke Hogan firing and then signing Taryn Terrell last week.

- Taryn makes her entrance in a skimpy blue and pink two-piece. She is handed a mic and calls out Gail Kim. Gail's music hits and she finally appears and makes her way to the ring. Gail grabs a mic and gets face-to-face with Taryn and asks if she really wants to embarrass herself on national TV. Gail introduces someone who wanted to call Taryn out tonight, Tara, to come out here and help her take care of business. Gail attacks Taryn from behind and she and Tara begin to take her apart. Velvet Sky comes down to the rescue and Gail and Tara retreat.

- Velvet gives an interview in the back after the break but Taryn sees Gail and Tara walk by and attacks them. Velvet has to pull her off.

- A promo runs for Gut Check. It returns next week. JB introduces next week's combatants who have a stare-down.

- Sting yells at a security guard who can't let him in. Sting is unhinged and says he is going to try a different approach and that he is "getting into that place."

- Back from a break as we see a replay of the opening segment.

- Hogan talks to Hardy in his office and says the rematch was already his but for Hardy to go through 3 men was phenomenal. Hogan says the match is set for April 11. Hogan says he is sorry for his mistakes but Hardy has a chance to redeem it. Hardy says he lives for the future and that he is taking the title back. Hogan tells Hardy that he can make the stipulation for his match with Bully.

We hear Sting's music hits and Hogan grabs his crutch and leaves Hardy and says Sting isn't supposed to be here.

- Sting makes his entrance in the ring and cuts a promo on Bully Ray. He says he needs to fix this problem and the only way to do it is to call Hulk Hogan out. Hogan's music hits and he comes to the ring. Hogan circles Sting in the ring and Sting says he is going to say he is sorry for the 3rd time and if Hogan doesn't accept, things might get nuclear.

Hogan says he should have trusted his gut but Sting was persistent in trusting Bully. Hogan is fiery and says Sting ruined this company. Sting tells him to man-up because he is ultimately in charge. Hogan accepts full responsibility and tells Sting he's tired of hearing about it and tells Sting to get out of his ring. Sting says, "Make me."

Hogan rips his shirt as two security guards get in between them and escort Sting out. Hogan says it isn't over between them. Sting picks Hogan's crutch up on the ramp but security makes him drop it. The cameras follow behind the curtain as Sting walks away in the dark. We go to commercial.

- During The Break: Matt Morgan applauds as Sting walks by and calls him another Hogan mistake. Sting pauses and continues walking.

- A video package runs of the AJ Styles saga ending with his confrontation with James Storm last week.

- James Storm makes his entrance to the ring and calls out AJ Styles. We get wide shots of the arena and finally see AJ standing in the stands. Storm says he has been where AJ is but he picked himself up and got back in the ring. Storm says they could either put a drink in the hand and talk about it or make a fist and fight about it. AJ leaves as Storm is swarmed and beaten by Aces & 8's DOC, Garett, and Wes. Eric Young comes out and gets beat also. Kurt Angle comes down and Aces & 8's retreats. Angle grabs a mic and challenges them to a match.

Open Fight Night: Kurt Angle, James Storm, & Eric Young vs. DOC, Garett Bischoff, & Wes Briscoe

Storm takes it to Garett and tags EY for a double reverse elbow. EY gets 2 but Garett takes over with a clothesline and tags Wes. Wes continues control of Eric Young. Young hits a flying forearm for 2 and tags Angle in. Angle keeps the ring cut-off from Wes and tags EY back in. Garett gives Wes a distraction to take over on EY. DOC tags in as we go to break.

Wes is in control of Eric Young on the mat as we return to action. Young is able to tag Storm in who speeds things up but DOC grounds him and tags-in for punishment. DOC gets two near-falls and tags Garett back in. Aces & 8's continues with tags in and out as they keep control of James Storm.

Storm fights out of the corner and makes the hot-tag to Angle who turns it up. Angle hits suplexes on all 3 men. Angle hits the Angle Slam on Wes but D-Lo gets on the apron with a distraction. Wes rolls Angle up from behind and grabs the tights to steal the win.

Winners by pin: Aces & 8's

- Bully proposes a toast in the back with Devon and Mr. Anderson to Aces & 8's. Bully can't believe Hogan and Hardy had the ba**s to call Anderson out and give Hardy the choice for a stip. Anderson goes nuts and says Hardy won't even make it to his match with Bully.

- A promo runs for the new X-Division format. JB introduces Sonjay Dutt and the 2 men he must beat next week to get another shot at Kenny King's title.

- Jeff Hardy makes his entrance followed by Mr. Anderson.

Open Fight Night: Jeff Hardy vs. Mr. Anderson

The bell rings and Hardy goes right at Anderson. The action goes to the floor as Hardy take it to Anderson. Hardy backdrops Anderson back in the ring from the ramp as we go to a commercial.

Anderson has taken control in the ring as we come back to action. Tenay tells us that we are watching a pay-per-view-quality match. Hardy and Anderson trade shots in the center of the ring. Hardy goes into his match-ending flurry and hits a splash off the 2nd buckle for 2. Anderson hits a rolling senton for 2. Hardy misses with a corkscrew off the top and Anderson gets several quick near-falls. Anderson backs into the ref and knocks him down. He is handed a hammer by Garett but Hardy ducks it and hits the Twist of Fate. The ref sees the hammer in Hardy's hand but Hardy hits Anderson with it anyway. The ref calls for the bell.

Hardy hits Garett with it too and grabs a chair from under the ring. Hardy hits Anderson in the back with the chair on the ramp and pulls out a table as Taz wonders where the boys are. Hardy sets the table up in the ring and grabs a ladder from under the ring and sets it up also. Hardy puts Anderson on the table andn climbs the ladder but Bully Ray comes out and saves Anderson. Hardy says he has decided on the stip for his match with Bully. It will be tables, ladders, chairs, stairs...Full Metal Mayhem.

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