WWE Main Event Recap (W/ Video): Barrett Vs. R-Truth, Divas In Tag Action & More

Welcome to the WrestlingINC.com WWE Main Event Recap.

- The opener runs and we see crowd shots as Michael Cole welcomes us to "TV's hottest show." If this were RAW or even SmackDown, that statement would be far less ludicrous. I know he's forced to say these things but that is exactly why he comes across so disingenuous and why some people can't stand him.


- R-Truth makes his entrance as Cole says, "Are you ready to get got?" The Miz is on color commentary and he informs us that he just reached 1 million viewers on Twitter. Wade Barrett makes his entrance as we see footage of Barrett's Intercontinental Title defense on RAW as Miz narrates his involvement.

Wade Barrett vs. R-Truth

Miz talks about selling-out Madison Square Garden with R-Truth like Justin Bieber. Cole reminds him that it was Rock and Cena who sold that show. Truth eats some offense and turns it around and clotheslines Barrett over the top and to the floor. Miz looks pleased. Barrett gets back in and Truth hits a drop toe-hold to take him down. Barrett rolls out to regroup and pulls R-Truth to the floor to turn things around.


Barrett sends Truth back in and methodically takes him apart. Barrett kicks Truth in the head to the floor as we go to commercial.

- A promo tells us that Rock will be live on RAW this Monday.

- We're back and Barrett is still in control with kicks to the gut of R-Truth. Truth builds a comeback and hits a DDT for 2. Barrett hits a big boot to the skull to slow Truth down and gets 2. They go back and forth and Barrett goes out to steal the advantage again. Barrett pulls up his elbow pad and hits his finisher for the win.

Winner by pin: Wade Barrett

Barrett grabs a mic in the ring and says that was a barrage and that people laughed when he first started talking about the Barrett Barrage but they aren't laughing now. Barrett insults Miz and says he destroyed him on Monday. Barrett walks over to a now-standing Miz and pushes him back down in his chair. Miz gets up and gives Barrett a beating but Barrett escapes and complains of a cheap-shot.

- We return from a break to footage of the Triple H segment from RAW.

- Cole and Miz discuss things and segue into The Shield situation with Big Show and Sheamus & Orton.

- Matt Striker is standing by with Sheamus in the back. Sheamus is asked if he will chose The Big Show to replace Ryback as his partner at WrestleMania. Sheamus says he can't speak for Orton and cuts a promo, weighing the pros and cons of Big Show. Sheamus decides that he will consider Show when "sheep fly out of my arse."


- Aksana and Alicia Fox make their entrance as we go to break.

- Natalya makes her entrance with Layla on the other side of the break. Alicia Fox grabs a mic from the apron and says she and Natalya just got back from Rwanda per their work with Nothing But Nets and it was touching but all Natalya could talk about was missing The Great Khali with his big hands and feet and his big ego...Natalya charges at Fox but is blocked by Aksana.

Natalya & Layla vs. Aksana & Alicia Fox

Natalya and Aksana lock-up and trade counters with some mat-work. Layla tags in goes for a more comical style of booty-bumps and pulling Aksana by her leg back to the enemy corner repeatedly. Alicia interferes from the apron and Aksana takes control.

Aksana rams Layla's head into the mat repeatedly with her thighs, on all fours...If there was ever a move to keep off of Saturday Morning Slam this would take the cake. Alicia Fox tags in to resume offense on Layla. Layla finds an opening and tags Natalya which, judging by the pacing and crowd reaction, can only be classified as a "lukewarm-tag." Natalya and Fox have a nice exchange and Natalya applies The Sharpshooter as Alicia Fox taps.

Winners by submission: Natalya & Layla


- Footage is shown of CM Punk and Undertaker's situation.

- Miz and Cole discuss the matter as The Prime Time Players and then The Uso's make their entrances.

The Prime Time Players vs. The Uso's

The Uso's isolate Darren Young and work him over in their corner as they take turns and double team. Titus tries to intervene and almost eats double Superkicks as we go to break.

Titus is in control in the ring as we return. Uso has a flurry but Titus shuts him down with a hiptoss into the corner turnbuckles. Uso goes to the floor in pain as Titus barks in the ring. Titus brings him back in for 2. Titus tags Darren and PTP continue to take turns working Jimmy Uso over. Jimmy avoids Titus in the corner and hits a back bodydrop on him. Jimmy makes the hot-tag to his brother who speeds things up. Jey hits the Running Stinkface to Young but Titus breaks the cover. Jimmy takes care of Titus and hits the Superfly Splash on Young for the win.

Winners by pin: The Uso's

- Michael Cole signs off with 18 days until WrestleMania and tells us to tune into RAW for the Rock and says he'll see us on Friday for SmackDown.

