Who Helped Train Brock Lesnar For WrestleMania?, Bruno Note, Fans Upset With 'Mania Seats (Pic)
- CBS-19 in Cleveland entertainment reporter Chris Van Vliet spoke with Michael McGillicutty at Axxess last weekend, who helped The Rock get ready for last year's WrestleMania and SummerSlam. McGillicutty revealed that he trained with Brock Lesnar to get him ready for this year's WrestleMania, and said that he learned a lot training with both men. You can watch the interview in the video above.
- WTAE.com in Pittsburgh has an article about Bruno Sammartino getting inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame last Saturday night at this link.
- We continue to receive emails from fans who either had problems watching last night's WrestleMania pay-per-view online, or who had obstructed seats at the event. One reader noted that a lot of fans weren't moved to better seats and spent "$400 on tickets to watch the show on a f-cking monitor."
One of my Twitter followers tweeted this photo from his seat:
@rajgiri_303 Hey Raj , I was screwed big time!Had to watch it on the monitors.Ugh! twitter.com/Mistico440/sta?
? Mike Garza (@Mistico440) April 8, 2013