WWE Composer On Which Great Theme Was Hated At First, AJ's Favorite Video Game, More

- Reyan Ali has an interview on TheAtlantic.com with long-time WWE composer Jim Johnston. During the interview, Johnston was asked if any of his themes were not positively received initially.

"There's been a few themes where I've submitted music that no one was really expecting," Johnston replied. "I remember with Goldust, it was almost universally hated at first, and then it was universally loved over time. It's a little bit like that wrenching experience we've all had at some point where you lift your glass and you think it's a Coke, and it's a glass of milk. It's just not what you're expecting. Even though it's a perfectly fine glass of milk, you want to spit it out."


- WithLeather.com has an interview with AJ Lee, who revealed her 10 favorite video games of all time. Metal Gear Solid (1998) topped her list, you can check out the article at this link.

- The Daily Record has an article about The Great Khali, Hornswoggle, Vickie Guerrero and Rosa Mendes visiting children yesterday at the Goryeb Children's Hospital in Morristown here. You can check out footage from the appearance below:

