Ziggler Cashing In Tonight?, Jersey Shore Star Denied 'Mania Tickets, Ryback Discusses His Goals

- CBS-19 in Cleveland entertainment reporter Chris Van Vliet spoke with Dolph Ziggler at Axxess last weekend. During the interview, Ziggler was asked if he knew when he would cash in the Money In The Bank briefcase.

"Honestly, no," Ziggler admitted. "It's anytime. [On] Monday, [when] everyone's like 'yay, we did so great yesterday, let's talk about how great we did.' Boom! Maybe that's my time to strike, you never know."

- TMZ has an article about The Jersey Shore's Angelina Pivarnick and how she had been desperately trying to score free tickets to last night's pay-per-view. WWE sources told the gossip site that they were "unable to accommodate her request due to overwhelming demand for tickets." You have to wonder how she felt seeing fellow Jersey Shore co-star Snooki at ringside last night.

- Metro has an interview with Ryback, who was promoting the upcoming WrestleMania Revenge Tour in the U.K. During the interview, Ryback discussed his goals.

"I wake up every morning feeling energised and excited and ready for new challenges," Ryback said. "The Shield are the superstars I have in my sights right now but there's no one in particular I'm looking to wrestle. Whoever is put in front of me ? that's who I focus on. I guess everyone's goal is to become WWE champion, though."

