Scott Hall Predicts Undertaker's Future And Who He Might Face At WrestleMania 30

Scott Hall appeared on yesterday's PWTorch Livecast. During the episode, Hall gave his thoughts on Undertaker's future.

"I wonder – 21-0, right?. 21's a cool number to end on," he told editor Wade Keller during his two-and-a-half hour interview yesterday. "I know Take isn't afraid to gamble and play a little blackjack. 21 is a winner. Winner-winner, chicken dinner. That's a decision for Taker to make. I personally don't see an end in sight for Taker. He's such an attraction, he only has to make a few appearances a year to have an impact. I don't know if he still wants to? Maybe a guy like Ziggler. I don't know if he's at that box office level yet to go against Take at WrestleMania. I personally don't see any guys yet who are ready for Taker. That might have been the WrestleMania to watch, maybe the last match for Taker. My instinct, though, is I don't feel he's done. But that's his call."

This quote is part of the Ask PWTorch feature. You can read more about the list of wrestlers most likely to end Undertaker's streak, plus when will WWE elevate mid-carders, when is El Generico likely to get to Raw or Smackdown, and more. Read the full story by clicking here.

