Update On The Death Of Doink The Clown

NBC News in Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas is reporting that Matt Osborne, who portrayed Doink the Clown for WWE in 1992 and 1993, died at an area hospital on Friday?not his girlfriend's residence as widely reported.

Osborne, 55, was transported to the hospital after his girlfriend found him unresponsive inside their apartment in Plano, Texas.

Police are investigating Osborne's death and believe it to be "accidental."

The day before his death, Osborne expressed excitement over the summer season ahead via Facebook. He wrote, "I HAVE SOO MUCH GOING ON THIS SUMMER dON'T KNOW IF i'M COMING OR GOING! bUT......THATS THE WAY HU HUH i LIKE IT HU HUH HU HUH! mISS MY BROTHERS!!!!"

