Booker T Visits Childhood Neighborhood, Foley News, HBK's Beard Rivaling Daniel Bryan's (Photo)

- KHOU ran a story on WWE Hall of Famer Booker T last Friday, who visited his old childhood neighborhood. You can watch the story in the video above.

- WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley will be appearing at the Tales from Wrestling Past event at The Punchline in Atlanta, GA this Sunday at 9:30pm.

- Speaking of Foley, has an article about Foley's wife, Colette, taking over the Divine Consign clothing shop in Smithtown, NY.

"The owners needed to leave the business and I thought, why not," said Colette. "I worked as a model for 15 years with the Wilhelmina Modeling Agency, which gave me the opportunity to work with top designers."

- Shawn Michaels was taking photos and signing autographs at George's Oxford Valley Mall Store in Langhorne, PA over the weekend. You can check out a photo of HBK at the appearance below:

