Watch Ric Flair And Roddy Piper's Wife Swap, Sheamus & Tatsu Celebrate WWE Anniversaries
- You can watch the full episode of ABC's Wife Swap with Ric Flair and Roddy Piper at this link.
- Yoshi Tatsu celebrated his 4 year anniversary with WWE on Sunday. He tweeted:
"I won, 4 years anniversary of my debut day same as 4 years ago! Thank you #WWESiouxCity & all #YoshiArmy in the world:) #YoshiArmyIsTheBest"
- Sheamus also celebrated the anniversary of his WWE debut on Sunday. He tweeted:
"4 years old today! Yep, had me @WWE debut four years ago... #WWEYears are counted like dog years, so i'm really 28... ish."