Pre-Order WWE 2K14 Phenom Edition, Foley Talks Broken Tooth At HIAC, SummerSlam '96, More

- You can watch SummerSlam '96 in 60 seconds in the video above. The event featured Shawn Michaels defending the WWE Championship against Vader, as well as Paul Bearer turning on The Undertaker during Taker's Boiler Room Brawl with Mankind.

- Speaking of Mankind, Mick Foley will bring his "Tales From Wrestling Past" comedy show to the Miami Improv tonight (tickets and event info). The Miami NewTimes interviewed Foley about tonight's show, and asked him about his infamous "Hell in a Cell" match with The Undertaker in 1998.

"One of the teeth I had knocked in half in 'Hell in a Cell' is still in half," Foley said. "It's taken on a bluish tint because of the damage to the roots. So while some people may claim to use a Bluetooth, I've actually got one."

- In case you missed it last month, you can check out an out-of-character Undertaker in 2002 discussing Foley's crazy bumps during their "Hell in a Cell" match at this link.

- And speaking of the Undertaker, you can pre-order the new WWE 2K14 "Phenom Edition" for XBox 360 and PS3 at by clicking here.

