WWE Looks At Corporate Makeovers, WWE Studios Film Helps Company Reach Milestone, Booker T

- With Daniel Bryan's "corporate makeover" on tonight's RAW, WWE.com has an article looking at corporate makeovers of the past. The article looks at the makeovers for "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, The Rock, Dude Love and Stephanie McMahon.

- Booker T noted on his Twitter that Channel 39 out of Houston, TX will be filming at this Saturday's Reality of Wrestling taping in Houston. You can get more information on their Facebook page by clicking here.

- Variety.com reports that WWE Studios' The Call was the 3 billionth Redbox rental. The article noted that the Halle Berry starred was the biggest hit for WWE Studios, and stated that it was "easily the top-grossing film" that they have produced and financed.

