WWE RAW Results - Six-Man Main Event, Brock Lesnar Attacks, The Wyatts, More

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- Tonight's WWE RAW kicks off with the normal opening intro. We're live from the Resch Center in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Michael Cole welcomes us to RAW.

- Justin Roberts introduces Stephanie McMahon. She waits in the ring and welcomes us. Stephanie talks about how Vince McMahon doesn't believe Daniel Bryan is championship material. The fans boo. Stephanie points out that Triple H disagrees with Vince. Stephanie says she has come up with a compromise on Bryan's look. She says Bryan has agreed to the makeover. Stephanie shows us video of Bryan at a spa – getting a facial, a manicure, lifting some weights. He then goes to a Texas Roadhouse steakhouse and hesitates before eating a steak. Bryan has his hair slicked back now. He goes to a tailor and gets a suit done up to fit him. We go back to the arena and Stephanie brings out the new Daniel Bryan. Bryan comes out wearing a suit. He still has his beard but it's a little slicker. His hair is pulled back into a ponytail. Bryan chants yes as he goes to the ring.

Stephanie says Bryan looks sharp and hands him the mic. Fans start chanting "yes" as Bryan looks out. Bryan asks if the fans like his changes and they boo. No, they say. Bryan thanks Stephanie for the time and everything she put into his makeover. Bryan doesn't think this new look is what the company actually wants. Bryan says it seems they actually want someone who is jacked up, someone who wears cargo shorts and a bright yellow t-shirt. Fans boo. Bryan says the company wants someone like John Cena. Bryan says he respects Cena but Cena doesn't think Bryan can beat him. Bryan goes on and says Cena is an entertainer, but he is a wrestler. The fans start chanting "yes" again. Bryan says while Cena has been in these arenas for 10 years, he hasn't seen the holes Bryan has pulled himself out of. Bryan yells again that he's a wrestler. Bryan says if Cena gets fired tomorrow, he goes back to his mansion and 20 cars. He would never wrestle again, Bryan says. Bryan says if he gets fired tomorrow, and he just might because it's happened before, we will see him in every armory, every gymnasium and every little dirtbox filled with 30 fans and a wrestling ring because he loves wrestling. The fans cheer. Bryan says it sounds like they all like wrestling too. Another "yes" chant starts up. Bryan says he will wear a suit, comb his hair back and do what the company wants... for now. At SummerSlam, he's going to what the fans want him to do and that's makes Cena tap out. Bryan starts another chant up. Here comes Vince McMahon.

Vince hits the ring. Bryan has his hand out for a shake but Vince pulls a fast one and disses the shake. Vince says he's just messing with Bryan. Vince pokes fun at Bryan's new look. Vince says he doesn't want Cena as WWE Champion and wants Bryan as champion even less. Vince says he's kind of warming up to Bryan though. Vince says WWE has never had a dwarf for WWE Champion. Vince says Bryan has the muscularity of a toothpick and the face of a gargoyle. Vince says Bryan is just so unkempt and looks like a miniature Mick Foley. Vince says maybe they can work something out. Vince says he has influence on Bryan becoming WWE Champion. Vince says the makeover needs one more thing. He starts looking at Bryan's beard and asks if he has a birds nest in there. Vince says it smells like a compost pile. Vince says if Bryan wants his influential support, there's only one thing they should do right now – shave that beard off.

Vince calls for the barber chair to be brought out to the ring. Bryan gets a "no" chant going. Crew members bring a barber chair out to ringside. Vince says if Bryan truly wants to become WWE Champion, he will do what Vince says. Vince practically threatens to fire Bryan. Vince continues to taunt Bryan and tries talking him into the barber chair. Vince yells at Bryan to get in the chair. Bryan goes to leave the ring and sit in the barber chair. He hesitates. Vince starts talking about how we need a barber, someone who keeps their facial hair well groomed. He brings out Wade Barrett as Bryan sits in the chair. Barrett comes out with clippers in hand.

Vince watches from the ring as Barrett prepares the shave. Vince says Barrett's grandfather was a barber. Bryan ends up headbutting Barrett and putting him in the chair. Bryan starts shaving Barrett's beard. Bryan with right hands and some more shaving. Vince looks on and he's pissed off. Barrett charges but Bryan dumps him over the barrier and into the crowd. Bryan heads up the ramp and gets another "yes" chant going as Vince looks on. Bryan yells that Vince wants him to change but he says no. Bryan says he's going to be WWE Champion. Bryan takes off his suit and he's wearing a shirt like John Cena's but the arrow points up and says "the beard is here." Bryan's music hits as Vince throws a fit in the ring. We go to commercial.

- We see Rob Van Dam walking backstage. Ricardo Rodriguez and Alberto Del Rio are also walking. We go to commercial.

Rob Van Dam vs. Alberto Del Rio

Back from the break and out comes Rob Van Dam. Ricardo Rodriguez makes his return from suspension and introduces World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio for a non-title match. It was announced that Ricardo is returning from injury.

They start the match and go at it. RVD takes Del Rio down and hits a standing moonsault for a 2 count. We see #1 contender Christian looking from backstage. Del Rio misses a dropkick on the ropes and RVD kicks him out to the floor. RVD with a moonsault from the apron to the floor. We go to break with RVD in control on the floor.

Back from the break and RVD is still in control. Del Rio dodges Rolling Thunder and hits a kick to the face for a 2 count. SummerSlam host The Miz is out on commentary for this match. RVD counters in the corner and hits a big kick from the top rope. RVD nails Rolling Thunder and covers for a close 2 count. RVD with the split leg moonsault but Del Rio gets his knees up. Ricardo puts his bucket in the corner but RVD counters and throws Del Rio into it. RVD covers Del Rio for the win.

Winner: Rob Van Dam

- After the match, Ricardo pleads from his knees but Del Rio lays him out with a huge kick to the face. Del Rio beats Ricardo with the bucket now. Del Rio tosses Ricardo out of the ring and he lands hard. Del Rio continues the beatdown and puts Ricardo's head in between the steel steps. Del Rio dropkicks it and Ricardo is out cold now. Del Rio poses in the ring with the belt as the fans boo him.

- Still to come tonight, CM Punk vs. Curtis Axel. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and Cody Rhodes is in the ring. He has a gift for Damien Sandow. We see footage from the past two weeks of SmackDown with Rhodes and Sandow going at it. Cody pulls out Sandow's gift and it's the Money in the Bank briefcase, dripping wet with seaweed hanging out of it. Cody calls out Sandow and here he comes.

Sandow tells Cody to put the briefcase down and leave the ring. Cody does but rushes back in and attacks Sandow when he tries to retrieve the briefcase. Cody sends Sandow out of the ring. Cody empties out the briefcase and we see the contract is soaking wet and torn.

- Still to come, Ryback vs. Mark Henry in their WrestleMania 29 rematch. Back to commercial.

Ryback vs. Mark Henry

Back from the break and out first comes Ryback. Out next comes Mark Henry to a decent reaction.

Henry sends Ryback down with a shoulder tackle first. Ryback with a kick coming out of the corner. Ryback takes Henry's knee out and goes to work on him. Henry scoops Ryback up but Ryback slides out and escapes from the ring. Ryback backs up the ramp and gets himself counted out.

Winner by Count Out: Mark Henry

- Up next, WWE Champion John Cena. Back to commercial.

- The Bella Twins are backstage talking about how hot they looked on Total Divas last night. Eva Marie comes up and gets a reaction from the crowd. Eva says Brie had a nice win over Natalya last week and made her look silly. Natalya walks up and they make fun of her. Brie says it's a slap in the face that Natalya is on their show. Natalya slaps Brie in the face and walks off.

- We go to the ring and out comes WWE Champion John Cena.

Cena comes out and talks about Daniel Bryan and the WWE Title. Cena cuts a better than usual promo in response to Bryan earlier. Cena goes on and is eventually met with a boring chant. He gets a pop when he brings up fighting Daniel Bryan tonight. Cena goes on and is interrupted by Randy Orton. Orton comes out with his briefcase. Orton says it doesn't matter who walks out of SummerSlam with the WWE Title, what matters is his briefcase. The Shield's music hits and here they come through the crowd.

The Shield surrounds the ring but out comes Daniel Bryan. He stands with Orton and Cena in the ring. RAW General Manager Brad Maddox comes out and makes a six-man match for later tonight. We go to commercial.

Erick Rowan and Luke Harper vs. Tensai and Brodus Clay

Tensai and Brodus Clay are in the ring as we come back from commercial. Out next comes The Wyatt Family. Bray Wyatt watches from ringside in his rocking chair as the match starts.

Tensai and Clay hold their own for a few minutes but Rowan and Harper get the easy win.

Winners: Erick Rowan and Luke Harper

- After the match, they hold Clay while Bray hits his finisher. Bray cuts a promo and taunts Kane some more. Kane's pyro goes off and he appears on the big screen. He talks about Wyatt and says at SummerSlam, the Family and no one else will be able to save Bray. Kane reveals an Inferno Match for SummerSlam. Kane makes the ring explode and we go back to break.

Layla vs. Kaitlyn

Back from the break and Kaitlyn waits for Layla to make her way out. We see footage of Layla turning last week. We also see a side video of Layla telling the other Divas to watch out because she's flawless. Kaitlyn starts the match with a takedown and unloads. Layla comes back and takes advantage of distraction, hitting a DDT for a 2 count. Layla ends up getting the win after AJ Lee came out and distracted Kaitlyn, skipping around the ring.

Winner: Layla

- Still to come, Big E Langston vs. Dolph Ziggler. Back to commercial.

Heath Slater vs. Christian

Back from the break and 3MB waits as Christian makes his way out. Back and forth to start. 3MB try to get involved early on. Christian comes in and Slater drops him for a 2 count. Christian ends up getting the win after a big spear.

Winner: Christian

- We see CM Punk walking backstage. Back to commercial.

CM Punk vs. Curtis Axel

Back from the break and out comes CM Punk. WWE Intercontinental Champion Curtis Axel is out next with Paul Heyman for this non-title match.

Punk runs up the ramp and starts brawling with Axel at the top. Heyman runs off to the back. They fight back towards the ring with Axel in control. Punk turns it around and rolls Axel in. Axel with chops in the corner now. Punk turns it around and works on Axel's leg. Punk goes on and clotheslines Axel out of the ring. Punk dives out and sends Axel into the fan barrier as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Axel turns things around. He drops Punk for another 2 count. Axel trash talks Punk while he's down on the mat. Axel takes Punk down with a headlock and here comes Paul Heyman down the ramp. Punk backdrops Axel and breaks the hold. He crawls towards Heyman. Heyman taunts Punk. Axel comes from behind and drops Punk for another pin attempt. Punk connects with a big crossbody. Punk goes after Heyman on the outside but Axel meets him with a clothesline. Axel brings it back in the ring and keeps control of Punk. A "boring" chant starts up as Axel goes to the second rope and misses an elbow drop.

Punk makes a comeback and hits a swinging neckbreaker. Punk with the high knee in the corner and a clothesline. Punk goes up top for the elbow drop but Axel pushes him off the ropes. Axel with a neckbreaker for a 2 count. Punk drops Axel with a big kick to the head. Punk leaps and grabs Heyman as he talks to Axel. The referee calls for the bell. Punk brings Heyman in the ring but here comes Brock Lesnar to a big pop.

Lesnar heads down and Punk drops Axel with a GTS on the floor. Punk swings a chair but Lesnar grabs it and blocks it. They brawl. Lesnar goes for a F5 on the floor but Punk slides out and rams him into the ring post. Punk unloads on Lesnar against the apron. Punk gets on the announce table and leaps off, taking Lesnar back down. Lesnar catches Punk and nails a belly to belly throw into the barrier. Lesnar rolls Punk into the ring and in comes Heyman. Punk counters a F5 and whacks Lesnar with a steel chair. Punk looks at Heyman but Lesnar comes from behind and nails a F5. Heyman orders Lesnar to hurt Punk. Lesnar grabs the chair and unloads on Punk with shots to the back. We see Punk has a gash on his chin. Heyman and Lesnar leave. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and we see what just happened. Renee Young is backstage with Lesnar, Heyman and Axel. She wants comments on what happened. Lesnar says he's the beast and the best in the world. Lesnar tells Heyman to say something stupid. Heyman wants Renee to take the microphone and deliver a message to CM Punk – he may not make it to SummerSlam because next week, Heyman is going to the ring to challenge Punk to a match.

Fandango vs. Kofi Kingston

We go to the ring and out comes Summer Rae with Fandango. Out next comes the returning Fandango. Kofi with a dropkick and a 2 count early on.

Back and forth throughout the match. Fandango tries to get a pin with his feet on the ropes. Fandango goes to the top but misses. Kofi comes off the top with a big crossbody for a 2 count. More back and forth. Kofi nails Trouble In Paradise for the win.

Winner: Kofi Kingston

- Triple H is backstage on the phone when Stephanie walks in. She's crying because Vince just chewed her out over the whole Daniel Bryan situation. Triple H says nobody else wants to say it but Vince has lost it. The once great genius Vince McMahon is gone, Triple H says. Triple H goes on a rant about Vince and says he's tired of it. Triple H says whatever Vince is going to do, he's going to stop him. Just watch. Triple H storms off and we go to commercial.

Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro vs. The Usos

Back from the break and Zeb Colter is in the ring with Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro. Zeb cuts a promo against the people of Green Bay. Out next come The Usos.

The end comes when Colter distracts the referee. Swagger gets a cheap shot in on one of the Usos while Cesaro nails the Neutralizer for the win.

Winners: Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro

- Still to come, The Shield vs. Cena, Bryan and Orton. Up next, Ziggler vs. Big E. Back to commercial.

Big E Langston vs. Dolph Ziggler

Back from the break and out comes Dolph Ziggler. AJ Lee comes out with Big E Langston. Back and forth match. Big E overpowers Dolph some. Ziggler moves and Big E hits the ring post shoulder first. Ziggler with a neckbreaker and 2 count. Kaitlyn ends up coming out and brawling with AJ at ringside. They brawl into the ring and interrupt the match. Ziggler tries to break it up but Big E runs over him. Langston hits the Big Ending for the win.

Winner: Big E Langston

- Back from the break and Big E and AJ are announced for MizTV on this week's SmackDown.

Daniel Bryan, Randy Orton and John Cena vs. The Shield

We go to the ring and out first comes Daniel Bryan to a big pop. Randy Orton is out next with his briefcase. Out next comes WWE Champion John Cena. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and The Shield are ready to go. Lots of back and forth early on in the match. Dean Ambrose sends Bryan outside of the ring. Ambrose works Bryan over on the floor and tags in Roman Reigns for some double teaming. Reigns with a big clothesline and a 2 count. Seth Rollins comes in with a bit of double teaming for another pin attempt. More tags and pin attempts on Bryan by The Shield.

Bryan finally counters and goes for a tag. Orton and Ambrose come in at the same time. Bryan ends up putting the Yes Lock on Rollins. Ambrose and Reigns attack for the disqualification.

Winners by DQ: Daniel Bryan, John Cena and Randy Orton

- After the bell, Bryan is celebrating when Orton lays him out with a RKO. The Shield come back in but Orton and Cena clean house of them. Orton lays out Cena with a RKO. Fans cheer for Orton as he stands over Cena. Bryan is also laid out in the ring. Orton goes out for his briefcase and acts like he's going to cash in. Orton crawls up on the apron and into the ring. The Shield come back down and Orton backs off. Reigns lays out Cena with a spear. Ambrose stomps on Bryan as Orton watches and heads up the ramp. Rollins and Ambrose both stomp on Bryan now. They lift him up and hit the triple powerbomb while Orton watches from the ramp now. The Shield stand tall over Bryan. RAW goes off the air with The Shield celebrating and Orton staring back at the ring.

