Videos: Chris Jericho's "Perverted" New Web Series

As noted earlier, Chris Jericho appears in a new web series called Jon Davis Gets a Sex Robot. The warning at the beginning of the first episode reads:

"This Show is called Jon Davis Gets a Sex Robot. It features sex, robots, Jons, Davises, and all kinds of pervertedness. Please don't watch if you are sensitive to such things.

"(Actually, watch it, but turn off the volume and leave the room. We need the view count.)"

You can watch all six episodes of the web series below, Jericho appears in episodes 2-4:

Episode 1:

Episode 2 (the warning states that this episode is "especially perverted"):

Episode 3 (the warning states that this episode is "visually perverted"):

Episode 4 (the warning states that this episode is "the most perverted"):

Episode 5 (the warning states that this episode is "still perverted," although not as perverted as the others):

Episode 6 (the warning states that if you are still watching this series, then it is "YOU who is perverted"):

Brian McCurley contributed to this article.

