Former TNA Knockout Wants To Work WrestleMania; Talks Relationship With TNA, New Movie, More

Former TNA Knockout Thea "Rosita" Trinidad joined the VOC Wrestling Nation to discuss her upcoming movie, her father passing away in 9/11, coming to work back home in Queens, NY for the Big Event, her dreams of working in the WWE, and more. You can listen to the entire interview at They sent us these highlights:

Her new movie, Army of the Damned: "Tommy Dreamer introduced me to the producer and director, who were wrestling fans. As soon as he saw how Dreamer and I interacted, they decided (to pair us together). It's really cool; we have a great cast and I feel like everyone was picked perfectly for their roles. There were some scenes in there where I was legitimately scared. I can't wait for everyone to see it. The movie will be available worldwide on January 14."

Career aspirations: "I've always loved acting, and I always thought that acting was just getting me prepared for wrestling, but then I fell in love with it. I'm going to pursue acting, but I'm going to keep up with wrestling because I don't feel like I've accomplished everything that I want to accomplish yet."

Having a desire to work in the WWE: "Absolutely. Since I was four years old, I knew that this was something I wanted to do. This was my dad's dream as well. He took me to WWE events as a child all the time. I knew from a young age that this was something I wanted to do ? being the women's champion, working Wrestlemania. Some people get into wrestling because they want to do it for a living, they're happy working the independents or just wrestling anywhere, and they don't care about working for WWE; for me, I'm not fully (fulfilled yet) in my wrestling career. Plus, I've only been doing it for 5 years and I have a long way to go."

Working with Big Names in TNA: "It's incredible. Walking into TNA and seeing everyone I grew up loving was such an amazing experience. Hulk Hogan was my dad's favorite. Last 9/11, I got the chance to talk to Hogan for an hour about our experiences with 9/11 (Thea's father passed away during the attack). I walked away from that conversation thinking, 'wow, I just got to talk to Hulk Hogan.' It's validation for me that I've made it, and I'm proving people wrong that said I could never get there."

Her Relationship with TNA: "I didn't leave on bad terms. The door is never closed. I don't have any bad feelings toward anybody, and I will never burn a bridge. Tommy Dreamer got me my tryout, Terry Taylor signed my contract, and D'Lo was there with me from the start. My best friends were made at TNA. I have amazing memories."

Total Divas: "I do watch it. I met Naomi in 2010 when I tried out for WWE. She is such a star. I also have the utmost respect for Nati. (WWE is) putting so much into their up and coming talent and I think it's great."

