WWE Lists Lamest Survivor Series Team, WWE In Nottingham & Zurich Tonight (Reports Wanted)

- WWE.com has an article listing the five lamest Survivor Series teams in history at this link. The Four Doinks at Survivor Series 1993 topped the list, followed by The Big Show, The Blue Meanie & Kai En Tai at Survivor Series 1999. Col. Mustafa, The Berzerker, Skinner & Hercules at Survivor Series 1991 rounded out the top three.


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- WWE presents live events tonight in Nottingham, England and Zurich, Switzerland. John Cena va. Alberto Del Rio headlines the Nottingham show, while Randy Orton defending the WWE Championship against The Big show will headline the event in Zurich. We would appreciate a report for either of these shows, or any event on the overseas tour, so if you are attending one, please send us a report by clicking here.

