Jim Ross Responds To Earlier Report, Goldust And Cody Rewarding Fan Signs Tonight, More
- As noted earlier, it was mentioned on the latest Wrestling Observer Radio on F4Wonline.com that WWE may have taken a shot at Jim Ross during last night's RAW from Oklahoma by mentioning famous announcers Reesor Bowden and Boyd Pierce but not JR. JR responded on Twitter:
"A rib. Neither from OKLA."
- WWE Chief Financial Officer George Barrios will be speaking at the 41st Annual UBS Global Media and Communications Conference in New York City on December 10th. There will be a webcast of Barrios' presentation at this link.
- WWE Tag Team Champions Cody Rhodes and Goldust are giving out a free autographed 8x10 photo at tonight's SmackDown tapings in Tulsa to a fan with the best #TheBrotherhood sign in the crowd. Fans can tweet a photo of their sign with the hashtag #RhodesAreSmackDown to be eligible. We are looking for correspondents for tonight's show, so if you are attending it, please contact us by clicking here.