Why Did Michelle Beadle Expalin The AJ Lee Incident?, Backstage Anti-AJ Cartoon, The Miz

- Regarding Michelle Beadle's Twitter explanation on the AJ Lee incident yesterday, word is that WWE officials contacted her and asked her to make the tweet so things would calm down online.

- There is a cartoon going around behind the scenes in WWE that pokes fun of the photo that many fans have seen online of a young AJ Lee meeting Lita years ago. The drawing "greatly" makes fun of AJ for wanting to be Lita, according to Dave Meltzer and Bryan Alvarez of F4Wonline.com. The drawing shows AJ meeting Lita and saying, "I want to be just like you." Apparently it's more obscene than described here.

- The Miz is doing media today in the Dallas, Texas area to promote tonight's RAW. We're seeking TV and radio reports if any fans catch him in their area.

