WWE Officials Upset Over Batista Leak, WWE Polls Fans On The Shield & The World Title, JR
- WWE is keeping quiet when it comes to comments on Batista's return after promotional material leaked advertising his return for next year. As noted, any mention of his return has been pulled. There was a feeling that maybe WWE leaked the news to generate some buzz for Batista's return but officials were reportedly very upset at the leak.
- Jim Ross will be appearing in-studio for KREF radio in Norman, Oklahoma on Monday from noon until 1pm. They will be taking calls at 1-866-355-5733 and the interview will air on kref.com.
- WWE's website has a poll that asks fans which member of The Shield is most likely to become the WWE World Heavyweight Champion first. With over 31,000 votes cast, Seth Rollins is leading with 41% of the vote. Roman Reigns has 33% and Dean Ambrose has 26%.