WWE TLC: Fandango Vs. Dolph Ziggler (Kickoff Pre-Show Match)

- Tonight's WWE TLC Kickoff pre-show opens up with Josh Mathews, Mick Foley, Booker T and The Miz on the panel. Foley is wearing a Santa Claus hat. We get hype for some of tonight's matches.

- We go backstage to Renee Young at the social media lounge. The hashtag for tonight is #WWETLC. Renee plugs a Facebook poll, shows off some tweets and encourages fans to talk TLC on social media tonight.

- We go back to the panel. They talk about Daniel Bryan vs. The Wyatt Family and CM Punk vs. The Shield. We go backstage to The Shield. Dean Ambrose says Punk should be scared because they're going to beat him to a pulp. Seth Rolls takes a shot at The Rock and says "it doesn't matter what Punk thinks" in regards to him coming out on top. Roman Reigns says Punk is just a liar, he has no chance tonight. Reigns says he's got another spear waiting for Punk. Ambrose says Punk is a man of conviction and beliefs but after tonight, he will only believe in one thing – The Shield.

- Kofi Kingston appears at the set and interrupts The Miz talking. Kofi attacks him and they start brawling before it's broken up and we go to ringside with JBL, Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole.

Fandango vs. Dolph Ziggler

We go to the ring and out first comes Summer Rae and Fandango.

Fandango cuts a promo on how he people of Texas dance. Dolph Ziggler is out next to a big pop. We take a break early in the match but come back to Ziggler in control. More back and forth. Ziggler with a Fame-asser for a 2 count. Fandango comes right back with a pin attempt of his own. Fandango with another big suplex for a 2 count.

They go to the top and Ziggler takes control. Summer gets on the apron and distracts Dolph, allowing Fandango to knock him to the mat. Fandango nails the top rope leg drop and gets the pin.

Winner: Fandango

- We go back to Renee Young in the social media lounge to show off some fan tweets. The panel discusses Fandango's win over Ziggler and Kofi's attack on The Miz, who is no longer on the panel.

- We get another video package for Cena vs. Orton.

- The panel talks about the main event when we go outside to a limousine arriving. Triple H, Stephanie McMahon and Vince McMahon get out before making their way into the arena.

