Mark Henry Not At RAW, JR Asked About SmackDown Going Live, WWE Network Call Today

- Mark Henry tweeted the following while watching last night's RAW from home. WWE kept Henry off TV to sell the attack from Brock Lesnar. He wrote:

"It's been a long time since I watched raw at home. Great show!!! I'm sitting here with this sling on my arm pissed."

"All the fans thanks for the love.You haters go jump off something high!The swelling is gone down so I will live!Ass will be kicked for this."

- Vince McMahon and George Barrios will host a conference call this morning at 11am EST to discuss the WWE Network. We will have full coverage later this morning.

- Jim Ross has updated the Q&A section on again this week. He was asked about the possibility of SmackDown going live and replied with the following:

"I don't know. It could happen very easily of the network on which it aired wanted to move it to Tuesday. For it to be live on Friday night it would be challenging at best but I assume doable if necessary."

