More On CM Punk's Promo On Fans Booing Him In Chicago, Cody's Wife Announces, Ric Flair

- As noted, CM Punk cut a promo on some fans who were booing him after he defeated The Shield in the main event of the December 26th WWE live event in Chicago. Very few fans were booing him but were doing so because he had apologized for not wrestling on the 2012 post-Christmas show because he was out with knee problems. Punk told the fans booing him that he doesn't care what they think of him and their opinions don't matter to him. Punk asked people if they would rather have seen Randy Orton vs. John Cena.

- ESPN has an article up about Ric Flair and the NFL's Carolina Panthers. The article contains quotes from Panthers quarterback Cam Newton about being a Flair fan and talks about how the team has been using Flair's "WOOOOOOO!" to hype them up. The Panthers are hoping Flair can appear at their playoff game next week for a pep talk but he's likely tied up with a previous commitment.

- Cody Rhodes' wife Brandi Rhodes and Veronica Lane did ring announcing at last night's WWE NXT live event in Largo, Florida.

Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

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