More On Ryback's Tweet About Being "Released"

As noted earlier, Ryback was in rare form on his Twitter account last night. Before eventually deleting all of his Tweets, he posted a tweet stating:

"Was just released. Thank you."

The "release" he was referring to was in reference to a police officer pulling him over. Thanks to readers Pete Gerber and Posh No. 1 for sending a screenshot of his earlier tweets, which have been deleted:

"I once botched my finish on live tv against Tensai. Not one to make excuses but was deathly sick had not eaten all day and he sandbagged me"

"Thank you all for the support. I am a man of positivity. Thank God the officer released me with no ticket. He mistook my gps for a phone"

"Breaking news Tensai did not sandbag me. I lied. I was released though."

"Was just released. Thank you."

