Super Bowl Bound Star On His XFL Stint, Gabriel - WWE Network, Foley, WWE In Jonesboro Pre-Sale
- FOX has an interview with Denver Broncos middle linebacker Paris Lenon here, who is the only current NFL player to have played in Vince McMahon's failed XFL football league. Lenon, who will be at Met Life Stadium a week from Sunday for the Super Bowl, was asked if he ever looked back on the XFL.
"I do look back on that league, but it's only because people bring it to my attention," said Lenon. "It was so long ago I don't remember much about that league. I kind of exist in the moment; not in the past or the future. I know it kind of annoys my wife because she likes to plan ahead, but I just don't function that way."
- Mick Foley was a guest on the most recent episode of The Sit Down Zumock Podcast!, which you can listen to at this link.
- The pre-sale for the WWE live event on Sunday, March 9th at the ASU Convocation Center in Jonesboro, AR started this morning. You can purchase tickets at this link using pre-sale code WWE.
- The Centre Daily Times has a short interview with Justin Gabriel at this link, who was promoting tonight's WWE live event at the Bryce Jordan Center in State College, PA. During the interview, Gabriel discussed the WWE Network.
"You can watch everything on there. All the old stuff too," Gabriel said. "You can even go back and watch me debut in Nexus."
We would appreciate a report for tonight's live event at the Bryce Jordan Center, so if you are attending it, please send us a report by clicking here.
Chris Griffin and Mike P. contributed to this article.