WWE Confiscating CM Punk Signs At Tonight's NXT Tapings, Dark Match, Reby Sky Comments
- The dark match before tonight's WWE NXT tapings at Full Sail University saw Jason Jordan defeat Baron Corbin.
- Matt Hardy's wife Reby Sky tweeted the following today, which could be a response to fans asking about their arrest that came out this week:
"Don't be idiots. If sh*t you "heard" don't add up, MAYBE IT AINT TRUE. Imagine that ! Wow ! Could it be ?! SMH..."
- Word from people at tonight's NXT tapings is that there have been a bunch of different chants for CM Punk. Security were also confiscating CM Punk signs. At one point when fans were supposed to be chanting "NXT" for a show opener, there was a good amount of fans chanting for Punk.
Michael J and @Vaniaimhd contributed to this article.