WWE Elimination Chamber: Darren Young Vs. Titus O'Neil

- We get more hype from the announcers for the WWE Network. Jerry Lawler is showing us how to use the Network on his iPad. JBL is showing us how to use it on his laptop.

Darren Young vs. Titus O'Neil

Darren Young is out first as we see footage of their break-up. Titus O'Neil is out next. The bell rings and they go at it. Titus plays the heel and drops Darren when he's arguing with the referee. Titus with a headlock now. A we want "Lesnar" chant starts up.

Titus runs over Darren with a big shoulder. Titus with a knee to the gut now. Young with a big right hand and a dropkick. Young clotheslines Titus out to the floor. Young goes to the top and nails a flying clothesline for 2. Titus turns it around and whips Young hard to the floor. Young fights out of a bearhug and comes off the top but Titus catches him with a backbreaker. Titus tosses Young across the ring. Titus with an abdominal stretch now. Young makes a comeback and gets some offense going. Young with a neckbreaker on the apron for a 2 count. Titus blocks a move and nails a kidney shot. Titus nails Clash of the Titus for the win.

Winner: Titus O'Neil

- After the match, Bad News Barrett appears again. His podium isn't working and he's now speaking from the stage. He rips Minnesota's electricians and football teams. Barrett brings up Hulk Hogan returning and says his spotlight will be forever dimmed by the charisma of Bad News Barrett.

