Impact Wrestling Review: Lockdown Go-Home Show, MVP Makes Big Announcement

This episode of Impact Wrestling was presented once again from London, England. It was the last television stop before TNA returns to the United States for Lockdown being held in Miami, Florida. A six-man tag match was booked to decide the man advantage for the Lethal Lockdown match, as well as other feuds for the PPV continuing to develop.

Eric Young vs. Samuel Shaw
This match was properly booked, not having a clear-cut winner for the sake of not weakening any momentum that Eric Young has. Young has always been a workhorse for TNA, and it was great to see the London crowd appreciate him as much as should be. I once again go back to why there should be a midcard title, because Eric Young would be a great candidate to have it seeing how he is still way over with the crowd. The Samuel Shaw character actually has more potential than I originally thought, and could be a really good heel gimmick in the months to come.

Velvet Sky/ODB/Madison Rayne vs. Gail Kim/Alpha Female/Lei'D Tapa
Not a bad match, but nothing very exciting, either. The match at Lockdown for the title is Madison Rayne vs. Gail Kim, but these two have been eclipsed by the Chris Sabin/Velvet Sky feud that now includes Alpha Female. For someone who is supposed to be a dominant Knockout in the division, it was not a good idea for her to take the pinfall, either. Hopefully there will be a reason to be interested in the title picture sooner than later.

Bobby Roode vs. Davey Richards
Stemming from the beginning of the show, this match was good overall. The reason for the one-hour delay in the finish did not make much sense, but at least the match as a whole atoned for it. Richards tapping may have not allowed him to look strong despite his loss, but the chairshots by Austin Aries brings fair enough logic to why he tapped. This match at Lockdown should be good, and hopefully the Wolves look strong at the end of this match and actually have a legitimate title run.

- So does this mean that Jeff Hardy and Willow will both be on the TNA roster as different people like he did in OMEGA? Will that go over with the fans?
- Gunner vs. James Storm at Lockdown has the potential to be the best match of the night. The feud has been built quite well.
- EC3 taking Kurt Angle out with a leglock was a good way to write him off. I just wonder how he will be used until Angle comes back.
- The Samoa Joe/Magnus Face to Face segment was a good final touch before their match at Lockdown. It appears as if all of this is to make Magnus look stronger, and his title run has not been exciting so far at all.

