Sting's Birthday, JR's Thoughts On Two-Hour Pre-Show, Success For Tyler Reks & Body Spartan

- Sting turns 55 years old today while former WWE talent KC James turns 32, former TNA star Homicide turns 37 and former WCW star Scott "Sick Boy" Vick turns 41.

- Jim Ross has updated the Q&A section on and was asked what he thinks about the two-hour WrestleMania XXX pre-show. He commented:

"Doesn't bother me. We don't have to watch it, right? If the pre game show is well produced and the talents step up it might be great."

- As noted last week, former WWE Superstar Tyler Reks (Gabe Tuft) launched the Body Spartan website and released his new fitness e-book titled, Body Spartan: Genesis. Since the website went live last Friday, Tuft has sold well over 2,000 digital copies of the e-book. The Body Spartan website is currently offering a special through the end of March that includes the e-book and access to a custom nutrition program for just $2 per month. The subscription for the custom nutrition program retails for $49.99 so this is a deal. To view the special, click here.

