WWE Live Event Results From Waco (3/14): Diva Returns, Shield Vs. Wyatts, Cage Match Main Event
Thanks to WrestlingINC.com reader Chris Blanton for sending in these results for last night's WWE live event in Waco, TX:
Almost a sold out crowd. The building holds around 5000 for wrestling. Damien Sandow opened the show with a video promo.
* Mark Henry defeated Damien Sandow
* Darren Young defeated Titus O'Neil in about 15 seconds with a rollup. Titus called him back out for a rematch. Young beat him the second time in about 20 seconds.
* Natalya and Eva Marie defeated Alicia Fox and Layla, who returned to the ring. Fans voted between a dance off and a tag team match and a tag match won. Eva was very over with the crowd, there was even a loud "Eva" chant. She is smokin' hot, but can't wrestle for crap.
* Bad News Barrett defeated Kofi Kingston
* The Shield defeated The Wyatts. The Shield entered through the crowd. Very good back and forth match. Ambrose got busted in the mouth early on. A "this is awesome" chant got started during this one.
Brief intermission after they pimped the merchandise.
Brad Maddox came out to almost no reaction. He aid he was the best GM in Raw history. He said since Waco was such a small little town, he was going to make a big match... a triple threat tag match for the tag titles.
* The Usos defeated The Rhodes Brothers and The Real Americans. More problems between Cesaro and Jack Swagger during the match.
* Sheamus defeated Alberto Del Rio
* WWE World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton defeated John Cena in a steel cage match to retain his title. As Cena was crawling out of the cage door the lights went out and the Wyatts ran to the ring and slammed the door on Cena to allow Orton to crawl over the top and to the floor. The cage was raised and the Wyatts started beating on Cena. Cena got a chair and cleaned house to send the crowd home happy.
All in all a pretty good show. Doesn't beat last year when Undertaker made a surprise visit. But it is the first time John Cena has been in Waco in about 9 years.
Other than Cena, I would say The Shield got the biggest pop, followed by Sheamus. I'm very glad to see WWE step up their production at house shows. It gives it more of a big time feel.
Cena shook hands and signed a few autographs out back afterwards. Alicia Fox stayed and signed a ton of autographs. They were the only two that did. It always amazes me that the biggest star in the company will stop and sign autographs, but the newcomers won't even wave at the fans.