DDP Talks Inducting Jake Roberts Into WWE HOF, Lawler - TMZ, "The Lady Wrestler" Premieres Friday

- TMZ has a story about WWE Hall of Famer Jerry "The King" Lawler continuing to wrestle despite suffering a heart attack in April, which you can watch above.

- Just a reminder that this Friday is the premiere of The Lady Wrestler, produced by BANG! TV and Marti Funk, wife of WWE Hall of Famer Dory Funk Jr. The premiere will take place at the Seven Sister's Inn in Ocala, Florida. The movie stars Hollywood Heather, Power-House Hill, The Claw and Dory Funk Jr. himself. There will also be a Q&A at the premiere.

- The Jason Bailey and Randy Cross Morning Show at 92.9 the Game in Atlanta recently interviewed Diamond Dallas Page, who discussed inducting Jake Roberts into the WWE Hall of Fame this Saturday.

"I have my speech ready, but you never know what will come out of my mouth," Page said. "Not only am I happy to see one of my brothers inducted, but I get to see two of them [Jake and Scott Hall] on the same night, on my birthday!"

Page also discussed his entrance music, how he and Dusty Rhodes came up with the Razor Ramon gimmick, the phone call from X-Pac about Scott Hall wanting to kill himself and more. You can listen to the full interview by clicking here.

Chris Griffin contributed to this article.

