New Orleans Wants WrestleMania Back, WWE Returns To Erie, Bollywood Actor At WM Party
- WAFB 9-News has a story about WWE invading New Orleans this past weekend, which you can watch above. The article noted that the city may look to bring WrestleMania back in 2019. New Orleans Tourism Marketing Corporation President Mark Romig stated that the city "wants WWE back."
"We think we've put out a great red carpet," said Romig. "We've shown them how to really put on a great event, everything within walking distance and we hope to be part of this rotation going forward."
- Moneylife has a story here about Bollywood actor Bhavna Pani attending a WrestleMania screening party at the Hard Rock Cafe in Mumbai, India.
- WWE returns to Erie, PA for the first time in four years for a live event on Sunday, June 15th at 5pm at the Erie Insurance Arena. The Shield, Big Show and Kane are advertised for the show. Tickets go on sale this Saturday by phone at 452-4857 or at