Will Edge Be At The WWE Hall Of Fame?, Batista Signs All Autographs, Graves Update, Hogan

- Hulk Hogan hosted a screening of WWE Studios' Oculus horror movie in New Orleans today. The Miz hosted a Q&A with the films director and producer after the screening.

- We noted before that NXT star Corey Graves may have been injured in a match at WrestleMania Axxess today. He tweeted the following not too long after the match:

"I'll be signing at the #NXTExperience at #Axxess tonight from 6-8. Come say "hi," or something more interesting. Nevermind the brain fluid."

- One WWE Hall of Famer who won't be in attendance for tonight's ceremony Edge. He noted earlier that he's already on a flight back home to North Carolina to be with Beth Phoenix and their baby. Edge made a WrestleCon appearance this weekend and tweeted about how he didn't miss the traveling part of the business.

- Batista was seen hanging around and signing autographs for fans long after the Axxess session ended on Friday night.

