WWE Tries To Block Unauthorized Sale Of Merchandise In New Orleans, Judge Denies Request

- The Hollywood Reporter reports that WWE filed a lawsuit on March 26th against "various anonymous defendants" that WWE says were bootlegging unauthorized merchandise at WrestleMania week. WWE filed a motion to seal the lawsuit when it was filed.

WWE was trying to seize the goods of people selling their trademarked items. However, US District Judge Helen Berrigan issued a ruling yesterday that denied WWE's attempt to control the sale of their merchandise within a 5 mile radius of the SuperDome in New Orleans.

The judge wrote in her ruling:

"The problem with Plaintiff's request is apparent once one recalls that the order it requests is not directed against a single named, identified, or even described person?all the defendants are John Does, and Plaintiff provides no particular information about the identity of any of them. At best, Plaintiff defines Defendants almost tautologically: Defendants are anyone who would be a proper defendant within broad geographic and temporal limits."

WWE filed a motion for reconsideration yesterday and there's no word yet if they will be filing an emergency appeal before Sunday.

