Daniel Bryan Endorses Hockey Team (Video), Mick Foley Talks Undertaker's Chair Shots, More

- We've noted before how the Daniel Bryan "Yes!" chants have become commonplace at Pittsburgh Penguins hockey games. NHL posted the video above of Bryan inviting fans to chant "Yes!" and cheer on the Penguins.

- Clothesline.eu posted the second part of their interview with former WWE star Joe E. Legend at this link. In the interview, he discussed the difference between a strictly scripted match and a match that is done spontaneously, the WWE style, Edge, Christian and more.

- WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley recently appeared on The Roman Show to discuss his comedy show this Sunday at The Improv in Ft. Lauderdale, FL (details). Foley has had a lot of chair shots in his career, and was asked who threw the chair the hardest.

"I'd say the Undertaker," Foley said. "The chair to the back literally bring numbness to your toes with the power of one of his chair shots."

Brian Loeffler and Clothesline.eu contributed to this article.

