New Details On WWE's Brothers Of Destruction Single-Disc DVD, Three Possible Matches has new details on the single-disc DVD that WWE plans on releasing for The Brothers of Destruction, Kane and The Undertaker. There are indications that the release will only be available in Europe but that's not confirmed. Below is the synopsis and 3 matches to be included:

"Brothers of Destruction chronicles the long history of the partnership of Undertaker and his half-brother, Kane. Following Kane's introduction to WWE in the late 90?s, he and Undertaker engaged in bitter battles, before finally uniting as a team known as the Brothers of Destruction. Their on-again, off-again partnership captured the imagination of the WWE universe throughout the next decade, with memorable battles both individually and as a team, against some of the greatest Superstars in WWE history.

This single-disc DVD contains 7 matches featuring the best action from Kane and Undertaker as a tag team spanning from their formation as a team in 2001 through some of their most recent matches in 2008."

No Disqualification Match for WWE Tag Team Championship: vs. Edge and Christian – Smackdown ? April 19, 2001

Steel Cage Match for WCW Tag Team Championship: vs. DDP and Kanyon – Summerslam ? August 19, 2001

vs. The Miz and John Morrison – ECW ? April 15, 2008

