New Name For Stardust & Goldust?, Jo Jo Update, The Rock's Latest Hercules Workout, Maria

- Former WWE Diva Maria Kanellis and her wrestler fiancee Mike Bennett are in the latest episode of Running Errands in Hollywood with Oriana Leo, seen above.

- Joey Styles noted on Twitter that the WWE website crew is trying to come up with a name for the new team of Goldust and Stardust. He tweeted:

"The team is trying to create a name for @Goldust & Stardust (@CodyRhodesWWE)...Dust To Dust? Gold Star? The Dustbusters? Any ideas?"

- Former Total Divas cast member Jo Jo Offerman was doing ring announcing at last night's NXT live event in Lakeland, Florida.

- The Rock has released his #TeamHercules arms workout, which you can check out below:

