WWE's Leprechaun Movie Update, Cool Video From Curt Hawkins' School, WWE DVD News
- Sports Illustrated's Edge website has a video featuring the view of former WWE star Curt Hawkins (Brian Myers) as he works with students at his Create A Pro wrestling school in New York, as seen above.
- As noted, WWE Studios' will release Leprechaun: Origins on DVD and Blu-ray on September 30th. That same day, Lionsgate will release all 7 Leprechaun movies as Leprechaun: The Complete Movie Collection. The $39.97 set includes all six previous Leprechaun movies with Warwick Davis plus the new movie with Hornswoggle and a bunch of extras. Fangoria.com has complete details at this link.
- WrestlingDVDNews.com reports that WWE DVDs for Unforgiven 2003, SummerSlam 2004, No Way Out 2005, SummerSlam 2006, Cyber Sunday 2007 and Tagged Classics: SummerSlam 2003/Unforgiven 2003 were recently classified as out-of-print in the United States market.