Retro Wednesday: This Person Missed Nearly The Entire Invasion Angle

The invasion angle was one of the most memorable storylines in the history of pro wrestling. When WCW was bought by WWE in 2001, many were left without a job, wandering what their next move was going to be. Fortunately, a significant portion of talent from WCW and an also-recently-defunct ECW gathered together and formed a group called the Alliance. During this time, top WWE superstars Stone Cold Steve Austin, Undertaker, Kane, Kurt Angle and the Rock had an opportunity to be in unique feuds, battling for territorial supremacy. In fact, two of the biggest feuds during the time was Angle vs. Austin and Rock vs. Jericho.

Although other superstars who were former WCW or ECW Champions such as Booker T, RVD, Taz, Rhyno and DDP had a change to get adequate television exposure during the angle, along with other top names such as the Dudley Boyz, there was one world champion that was absent throughout the most of the seven-month rivalry – Triple H.

During the initial point of invasion, Triple H was feuding with Steve Austin and the Undertaker. Then, on an episode of Raw that air in May of 2001, Triple H suffered an injury, completely tearing his left quadriceps during a match teaming with Austin against Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit. His wrestling career was put on hold, and he did not return until the beginning of 2002. As a result, he missed nearly the entire invasion angle.

One would like to imagine what a difference it would have made if Triple H was involved at all in the Invasion storyline, and what entity he would have joined, seeing how has has experienced wrestling for both WWE and WCW.

Would it have made a difference if he was involved? Sound off below.

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@WrestlingFan2K contributed to this article.

