The Undertaker Attends Mick Foley Comedy Show, Chris Jericho's Best Catchphrase, Birthdays

- WWE's website has a new poll asking fans what is Chris Jericho's best catchphrase:

* Would you please shut the hell up?
* Welcome to Raw is Jericho!
* ...never, EEEEVER, be the same again!
* I'm the best in the world at what I do.
* Junior!

With over 99,000 votes, "would you please shut the hell up?" is leading with 45%.

- Bully Ray turns 43 years old today while Jeff Jarrett turns 48 and WWE's Joey Styles turns 43 also.

- Michelle McCool and The Undertaker attended Mick Foley's comedy show in Austin, Texas last night. You can check out a photo of Foley with McCool below:

Ary I. contributed to this article.

