Mick Foley Praises Heyman And Lesnar, Note On Expired WWE Network Accounts, Stardust
- Mick Foley tweeted the following about Paul Heyman and WWE World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar last night:
"I really don't care if he works 20 days a month or just 1 – @BrockLesnar, with @HeymanHustle is a compelling, terrifying @WWE champion #RAW"
- It's worth noting that I let my WWE Network account expire this past weekend and it still worked with full access for four days until I renewed it before last night's RAW. Reader Adam Farrington sent word that his account was also working after it expired. It's possible WWE Network allows you a grace period before access is cut off.
- WWE's shop website has released new t-shirts for Stardust and Goldust.