Speculation On Why Kane Removed His Mask At RAW, WWE Polls Fans On What It Means

WWE's website has a new poll asking fans what does Kane's unmasking mean for WWE – we've seen the last of him, he will come back more dangerous than ever, The Authority is weakened or The Authority has consolidated its power. With almost 5,000 votes, 32% of fans believe we've seen the last of Kane. 31% believe he will be back more dangerous than ever.

It's possible that Kane gave his mask to Stephanie McMahon on Monday's RAW to bring the Jacob Goodnight character from See No Evil 2 to WWE TV.

We noted before that the plan in the fall of 2012 when Kane gave up his mask was to have him be more identifiable with the Goodnight character so they could promote the movie better. WWE Studios confirmed the October 17th release date just this past week.

