Daniel Bryan & Brie Bella Argue On Total Divas (Video), See No Evil 2 World Premiere, Birthdays

- Courtesy of Diva-Dirt.com, above is a new clip from this week's Total Divas where Daniel Bryan and Brie Bella argue about their new home.

Below is the synopsis for tomorrow night:

"Brie's husband admits devastating news; John fears the end of their relationship as a result of Nikki's secret; Ariane puts the future of the Funkadactyls at risk."

- Former WCW Nitro Girls The Klimaszewski Twins turn 43 years old today while TNA's Angelina Love turns 33.

- The world premiere of WWE Studios' See No Evil 2 with Kane will take place on October 15th at the Screamfest Horror Film festival in Los Angeles. The screening begin at 7:30pm.

