Former TNA Star Jesse Neal Clears The Air About Walmart Vs. TNA Tweet, Talks WWE Military Memories

On this week's Pancakes and Powerslams show, I had the pleasure of interviewing former TNA star Jesse Neal. Many were wondering what prompted his TNA release, and well as clearing the air on a tweet he composed earlier this year.

Wrestling Memories In The Military:

We would always get together at my house, a bunch of engineers and I, we'd always meet up at my house. They'd bring the food, I'd pay for the PPV, watch WWE all the time. I'd be running around my apartment with my Triple H jersey on, just having a good time man. We had a blast. Having some good times with the boys on the ship. Those memories, they last a lifetime and beyond. Of course you can't duplicate them because I lost actually a few of those guys. I think about it everyday and I miss it, so like being in the business, it reminds me of that and the ones we lost. I always talked about it, becoming a wrestler; I knew they'd be proud of me, so I keep pushing.

On Leaving TNA:

I wanted to learn more. I wanted to do more. I wanted to be more profitable to the company that I'm working for. I felt, Shannon [Moore] felt that we weren't really doing anything. I thought it was time to step aside. I stepped down and went back to the indies because I felt that I needed to. I wanted to wrestle. I got in this business to wrestle. I asked for my release and got it because I wanted to better myself.

On The Infamous Walmart Tweet:

I had a fan come in and say "You work here?" I told him, "yeah man, just making some extra money for the family." "I've got a baby now, I have to step up as a man." Not even an hour later I get a text from a friend saying that I hit the dirtsheets; Jesse Neal works at Walmart. Just because I was on TNA for three years, its something to talk about. I work at Walmart. I tweeted something out of emotion that I probably shouldn't have, but [it was] meaning that I'm not working for TNA. Obviously they're not paying me because I'm not working for them. I'm getting paid now to help with my family and survive. Why is it so different if I have a real job?

Jesse Neal also discusses more about Walmart, how Team 3D helped him, training in the academy, working in the indies, greatest matches in TNA, and more. The full interview is above.

