Sheamus Talks Wanting To Re-Establish WWE United States Title, Working As A Heel Or Face

Scott Fishman of The Miami Herald recently spoke with WWE United States Champion Sheamus to promote WWE's anti-bullying initiative with Below are a few highlights:

Being face or heel:

"I'm not opposed to going either way to be honest. I enjoy both sides of the coin. I'm sure it will come around again [for me to be a heel], but I want it to be for the right reason and right story. My goal right now is to keep moving forward and put on the best matches I can. I want to keep getting better and let people into who Sheamus really is. Character-wise, there was stuff I did before that wasn't really me? I really want to reeducate people into who Sheamus really is. I can have a laugh and throw a crack in and have fun, but when it comes to the match it's all business."

Wanting to re-establish the prestige of the United States Title:

"There was more prestige when I won it the first time back in 2010, but I will wrestle Cesaro or anyone. I just want to defend the title more. That was the goal when I won it was to bring it back up to where it had been for decades. The cool thing about Night of Champions was seeing the shots of all the former champions with the title around their waste. That was really cool to see before each match. So you see that and superstars who came before you with Harley Race and Ricky Steamboat. It gives you chills. It gives you goose bumps."

Source: The Miami Herald

