Justin Roberts Featured On TMZ, Eden Shares Some Healthy Tips (Video), Preview Tomorrow's Raw
- In her latest video blog, WWE personality Eden explains how to stay healthy while on the road and at home.
- Justin Roberts, who parted ways with WWE last week after the sports-entertainment organization exercised its option to not renew his contract, tells TMZ.com that he plans to write a book about his life.
Sources close to Roberts tell the website that he's currently writing about his struggle to break into the wrestling business. He wants the book to be part inspirational, part instructional.
Roberts plans to meet with potential publishers once he's done writing.
- WWE.com has some ideas on what fans can expect tomorrow night on Raw in the Raw Five-Point Preview. The lead angle heading into the show is The Authority aiming to test whether John Cena and Dean Ambrose can coexist by placing them in a 2-on-3 Handicap Street Fight against Seth Rollins, Randy Orton and Kane.