Ring Of Honor TV Report (10/20): Adam Cole Vs. Cedric Alexander, No DQ Match, Decade

The show starts with Adam Cole speaking about his match with Cedric Alexander, saying that all of the promise and potential Alexander has won't help him against Cole. He says he's going to get his title back and he's the best wrestler on the planet.

Hanson vs. Romantic Touch

Romantic Touch starts by trying to kiss Hanson's hand during the pre-match handshake, and Hanson gets frustrated and swings but comes up empty.

Hanson still gains control with a hiptoss and a splash into the corner. Touch tries to go to the ring apron but Hanson brings him right back in. Touch gets out of a neckbreaker and hits a dropkick for a two count. Shortly after Touch gets another nearfall after a kick to the head and a knee drop.

Touch continues to work the head and back with forearms, knees chin locks and a quarter nelson. Hanson finally gets out and knocks Touch to the mat followed by a splash. After a big clothesline Hanson gets the spinning heel kick for the pin.

Winner: Hanson

Jimmy Jacobs and Roderick Strong cut a promo and say they'll be tag team champions again as the show cuts to commercial.

Cole, Michael Bennett and Maria come to the ring with Maria's furry belt and they cut a promo on Jay Briscoe, saying they're going to give him the beating of a life time, as we head to another commercial.

Back from the commercial Decade is in the ring and Jimmy Jacobs cuts a promo saying they have taken Tadarius Thomas and Adam Page under their wings to ensure a great next decade for Roh. They want to help the next generation and say Page and Thomas have their chance to seize the opportunity in a No DQ match. Page gets tips from Whitmer while Jacobs gives Thomas some of his own while Strong is ringside looking like he doesn't care.

No DQ Match
Adam Page vs. Tadarius Thomas

The two lock up but quickly break as Decade starts littering the ring with weapons. As the two go for weapons they trade punches until Page hits Thomas with a big heel kick

Page ends up on the outside and Thomas goes after him witha suicide dive before sending Page into the guardrails and kicking him. Page reverses the momentum by sending Thomas into the rails himself, followed by a chair to the face.

Inside, Thomas blasts Page with a trash can lid and kicks a chair into Page's face. Thomas goes up top but ends up with his leg caught in the ropes, and Page takes a chair to his knee, sending Thomas to the floor. Decade looks thrilled.

Page continues working the knee as Thomas fights back and tries quick pin attempts to no avail. Finally he blocks a suplex and hits a big German suplex on to a chair. Jimmy Jacobs is elated as Thomas hits Page again with the chair before hesitating.

Decade all get on on the apron and Page tells Thomas to hit him again. Instead, Thomas hits Jacobs with a chair and leaves.

Result: No Contest.

Adam Cole vs. Cedric Alexander

A wrist lock to hammerlock chain series starts things off until a clean break separates the two. Alexander stifles Cole with an arm drag and drop kick that sends Cole reeling before the commercial.

After a series of missed chops, Alexander connects for a 2 count. Alexander attacks Cole with chops, forearms and ten punches in the corner followed by a big kick before Alexander is pushed off the turnbuckles to the floor.

Alexander is sent into the guardrails, and Cole sends him back in the ring for a near fall. Alexander fights back and sends Cole to the floor himself. His momentum is short lived as Cole works a sleeper and turns it into a rear chinlock as Alexander fails to escape.

Finally Alexander reverses an irish whip attempt with an elbow and also escapes Cole's attempt at the Florida Key. A step up enziguri leaves both men down.

A short battle leads to a springboard tornado DDT on Cole for a two count. A series of reversals ends in an Air Raid Crash and neck breaker from Alexander for a two count before commercial.

Cole holds on to the ropes on an Irish whip attempt and Alexander with a chop. Cole tries for the figure four but Alexander kicks him away. Cole with a Shining Wizard for a near fall. Cole and Alexander both go for kicks that send both men to the floor.

Back inside, Cole gets his knees up on a frog splash and lands a suplex shoulder breaker but only gets two. He misses the shining wizard which Alexander counters into a school boy roll up. Alexander misses Kick to Kill Part Two and is caught in the Figure Four.

Alexander is stuck but reaches the ropes as Cole tries to grab the hold again, failing. A Michinoku Driver from Cole for 2, followed by a superkick for yet another nearfall.

Alexander blocks another super kick hobbles around the ring and hits two drop kicks into the corner. He goes for a third but he leaps into a super kick. Cole with a Twist of Fate and gets the three count.

Winner: Adam Cole

